Molecular Engineering PhD

Frequently Asked Questions

About the PhD Program

What are the employment opportunities for molecular engineering PhD students?

In addition to faculty positions in engineering and science, our PhD students are being courted by pharmaceutical companies (Amgen, Abbott Laboratories, Novartis), semiconductor companies (Intel, IBM, TEL, Seagate), high-tech materials and specialty chemical companies (3M, HP, Dow, Kimberly Clark), as well as startups in a wide range of sectors. The list of potential employers will vary depending on the nature of your research.

What opportunities are available in academia for molecular engineering PhD students?

A degree in molecular engineering will enable you to seek academic positions in physics, chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, chemical engineering, and biological or biochemical engineering. The options available to you will largely depend on the nature of your research. Current Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering students and postdocs continue to receive attractive offers for faculty positions at premier universities.

Are there opportunities for research abroad?

Our students have engaged in a range of international research experiences, including:

Can I select a scientist from Argonne National Laboratory as my thesis advisor?

Yes, you can select an Argonne scientist to collaborate with on your thesis, provided you have a faculty sponsor within the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering.

Will I receive a degree in molecular engineering?

Yes, you will be granted a PhD in molecular engineering.