Nadya Mason
Dean of the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
Nadya Mason specializes in experimental studies of quantum materials, with a research focus on the electronic properties of nanoscale and correlated systems, such as nano-scale wires, atomically thin membranes, and nanostructured superconductors.
David Awschalom
Director of the Quantum Engineering Theme
David Awschalom, Liew Family Professor of Molecular Engineering, serves as the faculty director for the Quantum Engineering Theme.
Joshua Berg
Senior Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer
Joshua Berg is PME’s chief financial and administrative officer. He leads PME’s HR, Academic & Faculty Affairs, Budget & Finance, MarComm, Facilities, IT, Lab Safety, and AdminOps teams to support PME’s missions and strategic growth.
Andrew Ferguson
Vice Dean for Education
Andrew Ferguson, professor of molecular engineering, manages both undergraduate and graduate educational matters at PME.
Juan Mendoza
Senior Advisor to the Dean for Diversity & Inclusion
Juan Mendoza, assistant professor of molecular engineering, helps lead the development and implementation of diversity and inclusion initiatives at PME.
Rovana Popoff
Senior Associate Dean for Education and Strategy
Rovana Popoff supports graduate students in their academic engagement and progress, as well as oversees PME’s community outreach efforts. She also coordinates PME’s advisory council and works closely with Dean Tirrell on strategic planning.
Stuart Rowan
Director of the Materials and Sustainability Engineering Research Theme
Stuart Rowan, Barry L. MacLean Professor for Molecular Engineering Innovation and Enterprise, serves as the faculty director for the Materials and Sustainability Engineering Research Theme.
Melody Swartz
Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs
Melody Swartz, William B. Ogden Professor of Molecular Engineering, is responsible for overseeing faculty searches, appointments, mentoring, tenure and promotions, and for facilitating faculty award nominations.
Savas Tay
Director of the Biological and Immuno Engineering Research Theme
Savas Tay, Professor of Molecular Engineering, serves as the faculty director for the Biological and Immuno Engineering Research Theme.
David Taylor
Dean of Students
David Taylor is the administrative lead on graduate student enrollment, funding, and well-being.