Clark Atlanta University PhD candidate Allea Campbell was looking for a place where she could network job opportunities, meet peers, and brainstorm possible applications for her research into covalent organic frameworks.
So she went to CAMPS.
“This seemed like a place where I can connect with other people who have different ideas that I can bring to my research,” she said.
The student-led Conference Across MRSEC-PREM Schools (CAMPS) is held each year at a different university affiliated with two National Science Foundation (NSF) programs – Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC), which supports interdisciplinary research on materials science, and Partnerships for Research and Education in Materials (PREM), which is designed to enhance inclusivity in materials research and education. The NSF funds the yearly event.
“There is a lot of science, but there are also a lot of networking opportunities,” said UChicago PME PhD candidate Elina Ghimire, lead organizer for CAMPS 2024.
UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering hosted CAMPS 2024 from Aug. 2-3 to help build the next generation of leaders’ research, academic, and professional skills.
“MRSEC’s mission is nurturing the next generation of materials science researchers and improving diversity through successful student training at all levels,” said UChicago PME Prof. Stuart Rowan, the director of UChicago’s MRSEC. “CAMPS is a key part of this. The students themselves design each year’s conference, engineering each one to address issues their peers identified and create opportunities their peers need.”