Shuolong Yang: Engineering the quantum future – and technological present
To build new quantum technologies, Asst. Prof. Shuolong Yang is combining his expertise in condensed matter physics, quantum science, and materials engineering
When it comes to building powerful quantum devices, the pathway to that goal might be just as valuable as the destination.
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering Asst. Prof. Shuolong Yang works at the vibrant crossroads of condensed matter physics and quantum science, designing completely new types of materials that may one day power the computers of the future. But as he works toward this goal, Yang has made breakthroughs that have more immediate impacts in data storage and device fabrication.
“We have this ultimate goal that might be ten or twenty years away,” Yang said. “But then there are also tangible benefits coming out of this work that are more immediate.”
Yang’s academic background is as multidisciplinary as his research. With degrees in physics, mathematics, and electrical engineering, he has always sought to bridge the gap between fundamental science and practical application. Since early in his training, Yang said he has been fascinated by the idea of emergent quantum properties – the collective behaviors like superconductivity and magnetism that arise when many particles interact in a system, leading to phenomena that cannot be explained by the behavior of individual particles alone.
“Over the last few decades, I’ve wanted to not only understand these quantum phenomena better, but harness them to engineer useful things,” said Yang.
At the heart of the Yang Lab’s research is the goal of building a topological qubit, a special kind of quantum bit that relies on the principles of topological physics. Unlike conventional qubits, which are vulnerable to noise and errors, proposed topological qubits could be incredibly stable – mostly because they encode data in collective states of matter rather than individual particles. However, making them a physical reality is a challenge.
To work toward topological qubits, Yang and his team create and test new materials, using cutting-edge methods like molecular beam epitaxy and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to understand their quantum properties.
During this research process, Yang has discovered how to use light to control magnetism in certain materials, which could yield new optical memories to quickly and energy-efficiently store data. He has built a “quantum stethoscope,” a revolutionary experimental apparatus that allows researchers to visualize the electronic wave functions by listening to the electrons’ intrinsic heartbeats. He has also developed an entirely new method of engineering quantum computers: by printing nanoscale-sized superconductor inks onto a material, rather than etching patterns away. In 2023, Yang received a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to keep fine-tuning this method, which could impact the entire field of nanotechnology.
“The typical process of etching away a wafer to make a device is quite low-yield and dirty,” Yang said. “We’ve developed a nanoscale printing technique that could be quite revolutionary for this field.”
Recently, Yang joined forces with two other UChicago groups and received a transformative $1.5 million grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to design new superconductors. Like Yang’s topological qubit work, the new effort involves an iterative process of designing and testing new materials – in this case to determine whether they are superconductive.
While most superconductive materials are made by changing the chemistry of existing materials, and only work at incredibly low temperatures, the new approach relies on adding nanoscale reflective cavities to a material. The cavities reflect and intensify light to trigger superconductivity – a process that should work at higher temperatures.
The new collaboration is the kind of interdisciplinary, boundary-pushing research that keeps Yang excited.
“The lines between condensed matter physics and quantum engineering are blurring,” he said. “We need to bring knowledge from both fields together to create new, better technology.”
2025 International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
The United Nations declared 2025 the International Year of Quantum to mark a century of progress in quantum science and engineering. The University of Chicago and its partners join the celebration of the groundbreaking fields that continue to positively impact lives around the world.