Senior Instructional Professors

Mark Stoykovich

  • Senior Instructional Professor & Director of Undergraduate Studies

  • Contact:
  • Office Location:
    Room 181
    5607 S. Drexel Avenue
    Chicago, IL 60637

Mark Stoykovich is a senior lecturer in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering at the University of Chicago. He has taught classes in molecular engineering on engineering analysis and mathematics, thermodynamics, polymer science and engineering, and nanomaterials. Mark is also a primary contact for undergraduate advising in the department and can be consulted at regarding questions about the molecular engineering program and course requirements.

Stoykovich was previously a faculty member at the University of Colorado Boulder (2008-2016), and received BS degrees in chemical engineering and chemistry from MIT (2000) and a PhD in chemical engineering from the University of Wisconsin–Madison (2007). Before starting his independent career, he was a postdoctoral research associate with Professor John Rogers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Mark maintains an active engagement with his research, which is motivated by important engineering challenges in the fields of block copolymer self-assembly and advanced lithography, flexible electronics, biosensing, and polymer flocculation. His research interests have focused on materials design and characterization through the control of molecular-level interactions, surfaces, interfaces, and nanoscale structures. For example, Mark and his collaborators have developed responsive hydrogels for the high-throughput optical screening of microbial libraries for the production of biofuels and bioproducts.

Selected publications

S. Jung, J. L. Kaar, M. P. Stoykovich, “Design and functionalization of responsive hydrogels for photonic crystal biosensing,” Molecular Systems Design & Engineering, 1(3), 225-241 (2016).

G. R. Chado, M. P. Stoykovich, J. L. Kaar, “Role of dimension and spatial arrangement on the activity of biocatalytic cascade reactions on scaffolds,” ACS Catalysis, 6(8), 5161-5169 (2016).

K. L. Morrissey, M. I. Keirn, Y. Inaba, A. J. Denham, G. J. Henry, B. W. Vogler, M. C. Posewitz, M. P. Stoykovich, “Recyclable polyampholyte flocculants for the cost-effective dewatering of microalgae and cyanobacteria,” Algal Research, 11, 304-312 (2015).

K. M. Diederichsen, R. R. Brow, M. P. Stoykovich, “Percolating transport and the conductive scaling relationship in lamellar block copolymers under confinement,” ACS Nano, 9(3), 2465-2476 (2015).