PME Alumni Career Conversation Series: Luke Govia

Friday, April 29, 2022 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Luke Govia Postdoc alum '18 (quantum theme)

Join this month's PME Alumni Career Conversation Series with Luke Govia, postdoc alum '18 (quantum theme)! Dr. Luke Govia is a research staff member at IBM Quantum, whose research is focused on quantum characterization, verification, and validation, as well as device theory of superconducting qubit systems. Before joining IBM Quantum, he was a Scientist at Raytheon BBN Technologies, where most recently he was the principal investigator on a quantum neuromorphic computing research program. Following a BSc and MSc From the Institute for Quantum Computing at the University of Waterloo, Dr. Govia obtained a PhD from Saarland University under the supervision of Prof. Frank Wilhelm. He then held postdoctoral positions at McGill University and the PME at University of Chicago in the group of Prof. Aashish Clerk. Passionate about scientific community involvement, Dr. Govia has been the Secretary/Treasurer of the Division of Quantum Information (DQI) of the American Physical Society (APS) since 2021. This virtual monthly series will feature informal interviews with alumni guests to learn about their career paths and current work experience, with time for audience Q&A.

Briana Konnick, PhD, Director of Career Development, PME -

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