Stanley Bilatto
Patel Group

Stanley Bilatto

Stanley obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry at Federal University of Sao Carlos, Brazil, 2016, in collaboration with the National Laboratory of Nanotechnology for Agribusiness at Embrapa Instrumentation, under the supervision of Daniel Correa. His thesis focused on the development of electro/electrochemical biosensors based on conductive polymers for agricultural application. In 2015 he developed 3D printed structures to use in biosensors during his visiting Ph.D. scholarship at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, co-advised by Prof. Bernhard Wolfrum.

In 2018, Stanley started his postdoctoral fellow at Embrapa focused on the extraction and application of cellulose nanocrystals, supervised by Dr. Cristiane Sanchez Farinas.

In 2020, Stanley joined Stuart Rowan and Shrayesh Patel´s groups as a visiting postdoctoral researcher with a FAPESP fellowship grant seeking to enhance his knowledge in the utilization of porous materials as thermoelectric devices.

Stanley´s research is focused on the design, development, characterization and application of polymeric porous materials as thermoelectrics devices.