At the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) on Saturday, Oct. 14, Samarie Johnson, 14, and Jewell Davis, 10, were talking about batteries.
“You could use it for your controller, your game controller,” Johnson said.
“You could use it for your Xbox,” Davis chimed in.
As they talked, the pair held the two new, functional batteries they had just made themselves as part of a hands-on activity by Pritzker Molecular Engineering students in Asst. Prof. Chibueze Amanchukwu’s lab as part of the second annual “Battery Day” at the MSI’s Science Works career fair.
“You just see them get so excited,” said graduate student Priya Mirmira, who volunteered at both Battery Days. This year, she wanted to work at the final stop, the testing station where the children get to see for the first time if their batteries work.
“That first little girl just lit up and was so engaged,” Mirmira said.
Amanchukwu designed the event to turn that engagement into careers in STEM.
Batteries to STEM

Battery storage has bigger impact than just Xbox controllers. The fight against climate change requires more, better and larger batteries capable of storing massive amounts of cheap, unlimited – but sadly weather-dependent – renewable energy. Grid-scale battery storage of the type PME researchers are working to create will collect this power from solar panels and wind turbines and literally save it for a rainy day.
Part of putting the younger generation on this vital task is demystifying the battery, showing young people that science can not only be done, but be done by them.
“I think at this point now I can talk to a 3-year-old and they understand the importance of batteries,” Amanchukwu said. “They know if they play games or they have a toy car, they know if it stops working that they need to have a new battery. So with something as ubiquitous as batteries, easily understandable for why it's important – to a child, to an adult – why don't we use that as a medium to bring students into STEM?”
While batteries made of lemons or potatoes are a science fair mainstay, Amanchukwu felt it important to demonstrate batteries closer to the ones powering the laptops, phones and talking Spider-Man action figures children might see in their daily lives.
Battery Day has been made possible through Amanchukwu’s National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award. The first Battery Day at the MSI was held last October. It was a good fit for the museum’s long-running Science Works career fair, which typically draws about 400-500 youths and their families, in addition to the almost 7,000 regular museum guests, said MSI Community Engagement Manager Dulce Enriquez.
"Science Works intends to change the perception of a ‘traditional’ STEM ambassador and career by showcasing diverse careers and ambassadors during the event,” Enriquez said. “Representation matters."