Nealey Group

Shengxiang Ji

  • Professor at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

  • Contact:


2001–2006: PhD in polymer chemistry

University of Minnesota, Department of Chemistry

Advisors: Professors Thomas Hoye and Christopher Macosko

1998–2001: MS in polymer chemistry and physics

Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

1994–1998: BS in marine chemistry

Ocean University of China

Working experience

2011–present: Professor

Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2006–2008: postdoc

2009–2010 assistant scientist

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering (Advisor: Professor Paul Nealey)

Controlled/living polymerization, directed assembly, block copolymer lithography, biodegradable polymers, and cellulose chemistry.

Directed self-assembly of block copolymers on chemical patterns: A platform for nanofabrication

Ji, SX; Wan, L; Liu, CC; Nealey, PF. Directed self-assembly of block copolymers on chemical patterns: A platform for nanofabrication. Progress in Polymer Science. 2016. Vol. 54-55, Pg. 76-127.

Domain Orientation and Grain Coarsening in Cylinder-Forming Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) Film

Ji, S., Liu, C.C., Liao, W., Fenske, A.L., Craig, G.S. and Nealey, P.F.. Domain Orientation and Grain Coarsening in Cylinder-Forming Poly(styrene-b-methyl methacrylate) Film. Macromolecules. 2011. Vol. 44, Pg. 4291.

Three-dimensional Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers together with Two-dimensional Square and Rec

Ji, S., Nagpal, U., Liao, W., Liu, C.C., de Pablo, J.J. and Nealey, P.F.. Three-dimensional Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers together with Two-dimensional Square and Rec. Advanced Materials. 2011. Vol. 23, Pg. 3692.

Site-Specific Placement of Au Nanoparticles on Chemical Nanopatterns Prepared by Molecular Transfer

Onses, M.S., Thode, C.J., Liu, C.C., Ji, S., Cook, P.L., Himpsel, F.J. and Nealey, P.F.. Site-Specific Placement of Au Nanoparticles on Chemical Nanopatterns Prepared by Molecular Transfer. Advanced Functional Materials. 2011. Vol. 21, Pg. 3074.