Ian Foster

Ian T. Foster

  • Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Computer Science, Director, Computation Institute, Distinguished Fellow, Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory

  • Contact: foster@cs.uchicago.edu
  • Office Location:
    SCL 222
    5735 South Ellis Avenue
    Chicago, IL, 60637

Distributed, parallel, and data-intensive computing technologies and their applications to scientific problems in such domains as climate change and biomedicine.

Blending Education and Polymer Science: Semiautomated Creation of a Thermodynamic Property Database

Tchoua, Roselyne B., et al. "Blending education and polymer science: Semiautomated creation of a thermodynamic property database." Journal of chemical education 93.9 (2016): 1561-1568.

A hybrid human-computer approach to the extraction of scientific facts from the literature

Tchoua, Roselyne B., et al. "A hybrid human-computer approach to the extraction of scientific facts from the literature." Procedia computer science 80 (2016): 386-397.