PME SPECIAL QUANTUM SEMINAR: The Confluence of Fractured Resonances in Driven Many-Body Lattice

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
MeMo 123
Dr. Gabriela Wojtowicz, Postdoctoral Researcher, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Ulm, Germany

Resonant transport through a spatial medium arises from the matching of frequencies that permit transport without scattering. We demonstrate a rich structure of resonances occurring in a periodically driven tilted lattice with many-body interactions, where two Markovian reservoirs induce quantum transport. The periodic driving and the many-body interactions lead to the formation of resonant pathways, giving rise to traces of resonant transport in the model parameter space. The confluence of these fractured resonances dramatically enhances the transport. We demonstrate that the transport at the confluence point shows signs of ballistic transport despite strong many-body interactions. These results provide a new example of the richness of open, driven, many-body systems.

Host: Liang Jiang|