Britteny Ross
Esser-Kahn Group

Britteny Cassaidy

Raised in Normal, Illinois (we know what you are thinking), Britteny first became interested in science after seeing a documentary about CERN in the eighth grade. Britteny attended Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa, as a chemistry major where she first performed plant exudate research with Dr. Lori Biederman. Interested in making molecules, Britteny worked under Dr. Brett VanVeller researching cell-penetrating peptides. She received her BS in 2016. The research with Dr. VanVeller grew her interest in chemical biology and prompted her join the Esser-Kahn Lab.

Scientific Hero

George Washington Carver. 


"During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams," -- Tupac Shakur

Britteny's research includes immune programming and chemical biology in the context of particle and single-dose vaccines.

Small Molecule NF-κB Inhibitors as Immune Potentiators for Enhancement of Vaccine Adjuvants

Brittany A. Moser, Yoseline Escalante-Buendia, Rachel C. Steinhardt, Matthew G. Rosenberger, Britteny J. Cassaidy, Nihesh Naorem, Alfred C. Chon, Minh H. Nguyen, Ngoctran T. Tran, and Aaron P. Esser-Kahn. Front Immunol. 2020; 11: 511513. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.511513

Increased Vaccine Tolerability and Protection via NF-κB Modulation

B. A. Moser, R. C. Steinhardt, Y. Escalante-Buendia, D. A. Boltz, K. M. Barker, B. J. Cassaidy, M.G. Rosenberger, S. Yoo, B. G. McGonnigal, and A. P. Esser-Kahn. Science Advances 09 Sep 2020: Vol. 6, no. 37, eaaz8700. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.aaz8700

Determining Whether Agonist Density or Agonist Number Is More Important for Immune Activation via Micoparticle Based Assay

Deak P, Kimani F, Cassaidy B, Esser-Kahn A. Determining Whether Agonist Density or Agonist Number Is More Important for Immune Activation via Micoparticle Based Assay. Front Immunol. 2020;11:642. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.00642. eCollection 2020. PubMed PMID: 32328073; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC7161694.