Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

AY 2020-2021 EDI Report

Vision and principles

Establish and communicate PME commitment and vision for EDI

  1. EDI component was added to the PME mission statement and published on the website.
  2. EDI page was constructed on the PME Intranet: Sharepoint.
  3. A three-year EDI roadmap was constructed. The roadmap was defined and shared with PME executive committee and community.
  4. Standing EDI section in PME newsletter and video board content established.

Teaching and learning

Promote and cultivate an inclusive environment for pedagogy

  1. Graduate Course Evaluations were updated to include questions on inclusion.
  2. A list of URM and EDI scholarship, fellowship, and training opportunities was created and published on the website.
  3. PhD student peer mentoring and peer tutoring programs were established. Programs will continue in future academic years. Outcomes will be monitored, and participants will be surveyed after one year.

Faculty and staff

Improve hiring, diversity, equity, inclusion, retention, and satisfaction

  1. EDI component was added to annual faculty reviews.


Improve the climate of inclusion and equity

  1. Staff recognition program (Virtual High Fives) was established.
  2. PME ombudspersons were elected and internal grievance reporting procedures were updated and published on the webpage.
  3. Internal EDI small grant program launched.
  4. Section added in PME newsletter to include outreach recognition through award program.

PhD and master’s programs

Elevate diversity and climate of equity and inclusion

  1. PhD EDI fellowships instituted.
  2. Process reviewed for holistic rubric-based PhD and master’s admissions process.