Awschalom Group

Peter Mintun

Tunable Cr4+ molecular color centers

D. W. Laorenza, A. Kairalapova, S. L. Bayliss, T. Goldzak, S. M. Greene, L. R. Weiss, P. Deb, P. J. Mintun, K. A. Collins, D. D. Awschalom, T. C. Berkelbach, D. E. Freedman. Tunable Cr4+ molecular color centers. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021. 10.1021/jacs.1c10145.

Optically addressable molecular spins for quantum information processing

S.L. Bayliss, D.W. Laorenza, P.J. Mintun, B. Diler, D.E. Freedman, D.D. Awschalom. Optically addressable molecular spins for quantum information processing. Science. 2020. 10.1126/science.abb9352.

Electrical and optical control of single spins integrated in scalable semiconductor devices

C. P. Anderson, A. Bourassa, K. C. Miao, G. Wolfowicz, P. J. Mintun, A. L. Crook, H. Abe, J. U. Hassan, N. T. Son, T. Ohshima, D. D. Awschalom. Electrical and optical control of single spins integrated in scalable semiconductor devices. Science. 2019. Vol. 366, Pg. 1225.

Local optical control of ferromagnetism and chemical potential in a topological insulator

A. L. Yeats, P. J. Mintun, Y. Pan, A. Richardella, B. B. Buckley, N. Samarth, D. D. Awschalom. Local optical control of ferromagnetism and chemical potential in a topological insulator. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.. 2017. Vol. 114, Pg. 10379.

Persistent Optical Gating of a Topological Insulator

A. L. Yeats, Y. Pan, A. Richardella, P. J. Mintun, N. Samarth, and D. D. Awschalom. Persistent Optical Gating of a Topological Insulator. Science Advances. 2015. Vol. 1, Pg. e1500640.